Written by composer and author Lee Ann Butler-Owens, Colleen's Dollhouse is a delightfully scripted audio tale which features storybook colorful characters such as Mr. Freebird, Pickles the Cat, Princess the Dog, Lil' Teddie, and the precocious little girl, Colleen. Colleen's Dollhouse teaches the importance of sharing, respecting others, and appreciating the many wonders of the universe. Each time you listen, the adventure becomes more and more vivid!! "Colleen’s Dollhouse" is a refreshing approach to teach children the importance of education, basic humanitarian value, emphasizing their specific contribution and awareness to surroundings. The short term effect is an enjoyable narrative, where as the long term significance will prepare pre-school children for elementary, and expand the learning curve for those currently attending school. Children who have special needs in the following category: terminal, blind, deaf, abused, orphaned / foster or slightly mentally challenged require a continuing condition of positive reinforcement through alternative methods. The LullaLee Series seeks to bring joy, and self-development tools that encourage hope.
The idea for Journey for Lushland was conceived by co-author Bennett “Sandy” Masin’s ongoing work of counting positive heartbeats while doing ...
Journey to Lushland
The idea for Journey for Lushland was conceived by co-author Bennett “Sandy” Masin’s ongoing work of counting positive heartbeats while doing positive activities with a concept called DEEPEST™ that stands for (D)rinking Clean Water, (E)ating Nutritious Foods, (E)xercising to Your Ideal Health, (P)raying with or Meditating with Positive Gratitude Heartbeats, (E)arn Your Sustainable Future, (S)erve Your Community Volunteer, (T)rust in a Positive Healthy World. This concept is gaining attention across the World. Children heroines save the world.